


复旦大学经济学院将举办“能源与环境经济学”系列讲座,本次主题“What will be the big challenges for governments, businesses, universities and societies in the context of climate changes” and “Learning how to plan, write, revise and publish top quality papers in top quality journals”,时间于2019年6月4日9:30--11:30,地点于新金博大厦15楼1509会议室(上海市杨浦区邯郸路539号),欢迎各位朋友前来参加。

Speaker: Prof. Donald HuisinghUniversity of Tennessee


Host: Prof. Wu LiboSchool of Economics, Fudan University


Topic: What will be the big challenges for governments, businesses, universities and societies in the context of climate changes and “Learning how to plan, write, revise and publish top quality papers in top quality journals”


Time: 9:30--11:30, June 4th, 2019


Venue: Room 1509, XinJinBo Building, Handan Road 539


About the speaker:


Prof. Donald Huisingh was awarded his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in 1965 in Biochemistry and Plant Pathology. He taught and did research at North Carolina State University in Raleigh North Carolina for 23 years and then moved to Europe where he has taught at Erasmus University in The Netherlands and in Lund University, in Lund, Sweden, since 1987. He has been guest lecturer in more than 60 other universities and has worked on helping to implement Cleaner Production in more than 300 companies and organizations. He has published more than 350 articles, books, videos and simulations. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier's Journal of Cleaner Production. He is skilled in interdisciplinary education and holistic approaches to defining and solving society s problems so that effective and equitable approaches can be made toward s Sustainable Societies.


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